Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is Not a Motorcycle Club

Welcome to our membership page. Our mission is defined as helping Veterans and promoting the awareness of the Prisoner-Of-War / Missing-In-Action “POW/MIA” issue. We appreciate your desire to honor our Veterans and to work for the return of American Prisoners of War from all wars. As volunteers, we work to gain closure for all those Americans Missing-In-Action. We also work to support our Veteran community. Our site page titled "Where the Money Goes" will show our efforts to date.We welcome your interest into our organization. We hope you will find us acceptable and sign on to help our cause.
Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month. We meet at VFW Post 8081 located at 3S371 Mignin Dr., Warrenville, IL. We will answer questions you may have at any one of our meetings.
Things to Know
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We are not a motorcycle club. Some of us ride motorcycles but not all. |
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Owning a motorcycle is not a requirement. |
3. |
Our National organization does have patches to identify us as a group and most wear a vest with those patches. |
4. |
You do not need to be a Veteran to join our organization. Many of our organizational leaders are not Veterans. |
5. |
Our dues are $40.00 per year, payable in February. |
We thank you for considering volunteering to help Veterans through our group. We do have fun. We look forward to meeting you.